
Friday, November 16, 2012

Small Events in America and Illustration

I have found America!
In Florence!
Not really. It's an American diner. But god, it's amazing, I want to be there all the time.

I went first with my room mate Meghna last Sunday, when we both got up really late and wanted breakfast. And breakfast...means pancakes. PANCAKES, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. I haven't had pancakes in ages. At Vassar (if I wake up early enough) I can just saunter over to the All Campus Dining Center and pick up a couple flapjacks but HERE there is no such option. Here I'd have to make them, and let's face it that's not happening.

The Diner (it's just called The Diner because its not like it has to differentiate between thousands of other such establishments in Florence) was packed, but we got our food remarkably fast after we got a table. Our food? Our food.

This is what they call "a mocha" in the mystical land of The Diner. That's Meghna!

BANANA. PANCAKES. with two flavors of jam! butter! and real maple syrup!

This is what the real maple syrup comes in, a tiny little pitcher that says "The Diner" on it. It's cute, no?

All right, so obviously I wasn't giving that place up any time soon. WEDNESDAY NIGHT was the occasion of my next visit. 

Banana milkshake. Banana milkshake.

I didn't take a photo of my food, but it was chocolate chip pancakes and a little bowl of bacon*. I was in heaven. 

Now here's the part of the "and Illustration" part of the post. My friends and I, after going out to The Diner and enjoying ourselves thoroughly, decided that we were going to dress up and be really fancy for Illustration class the next morning. Why? Because. It was awesome.

Here we are posing in our Most Fancy Attire. Friends Jacob, Una, Me!, Jessica, and Meggie.

*The bacon comes in a little green bowl. I'm not sure why, but it's amazing bacon, which is impressive for a country that is not really familiar with bacon. They prefer to eat it with bread and olive oil without frying it. Our way is better.

1 comment:

  1. "it's just called The Diner because its not like it has to differentiate between thousands of other such establishments in Florence"

    you made me LOL
